CSMVS Research Journal 2017

CSMVS Research Journal 2017


In recent years the CSMVS has transformed itself into becoming a major centre for intellectual and social activities in the fields of art, history and culture. The publication of journal is an initiative taken by the museum for the benefit of students and researchers of art history, aesthetic and archaeology. This edition is dedicated to Dr. Moti Chandra, a highly acclaimed scholar, whose association with the Museum lent lustre and prestige to the institution. The revival of the research journal after a hiatus of 43 years is the continuation of an academic activity that he encouraged during his stewardship. It is a tribute to him as the first Indian director of the then Prince of Wales Museum. As a tribute to Dr. Chandra, several eminent scholars who admired him and students who were groomed by him have contributed to this issue.


Edited by Dr. Saryu Doshi

Publication Details

Soft bound, 136 pages